Hi all,

We recently ran into a crash in Chromium which was a result of a 
'MicrotasksCompletedCallback' being called twice in one C++ stack.

The documentation for 'AddMicrotasksCompletedCallback' explicitly states 
that executing scripts inside the callback will not re-trigger microtasks 
and the callback, but that seems to no longer be the case.

'MicrotaskQueue::RunMicrotasks' has a 'SetIsRunningMicrotasks' that only 
covers 'Execution::TryRunMicrotasks', not 'OnCompleted()'.

In our case, the reason for the re-entrancy and crash was as follows:

   1. 'blink::V8ScriptRunner::CallFunction' created a 'MicrotasksScope' 
   object and called into script.
   2. '~MicrotasksScope' noticed it was the only item on the stack 
   (decrementing its depth went to 0), so it executed microtasks.
   3. 'MicrotaskQueue::OnCompleted' creates a copy of the callbacks, and 
   then executes each one in turn.
   4. Our callback was triggered, which we use to look for unhandled 
   promise rejections.  As part of discovering and handling an unhandled 
   promise rejection, we can end up calling into script.
   5. When we call into script, we create a 'MicrotasksScope' object.
   6. '~MicrotasksScope` for this nested scope again decremented the depth 
   to 0 (as the one from 2. above decremented the depth already).
   7. We again ran microtasks.
   8. 'MicrotaskQueue::OnCompleted' is called, and again copies all the 
   callbacks, then executes each one in turn.
   9. Our callback this time has nothing to do, so we move onto the second 
   10. Blink's callback is called ('EventLoop::RunEndOfCheckpointTasks'), 
   and it attempts to remove the callback from the set of callbacks to call, 
   to prevent it from being called multiple times.
   11. The stack unwinds back to 3. above, and it moves onto blinks 
   callback again, as it had already created a copy of the callbacks, so 
   removing the callback in 10. had no effect.
   12. Blink's callback is called again, and as this code has 'AddRef()' 
   and 'Release()' calls that are supposed to come in pairs, the callback ends 
   up accessing an object that's already been released in 10.

Is the documentation on 'AddMicrotasksCompletedCallback' intended to still 
be true?  I believe this is the commit 
that stopped it from being so.


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