RISC-V has not implemented generic js-to-wasm wrapper at the moment. So it 
still uses the stub function JSToWasmWrapper.

The wasm value types are converted to smi or HeapNumbers
(the call path is BuildCallAndReturn->ToJS).

When a F32 value is returned in a wasm function, the wrapper may convert 
the F32 to a proper tagged value, if it can't convert to a smi value, it 
would be convert to a object containing double value and the tagged pointer 
of the object would be seen from JS side.(by BuildChangeFloat32ToNumber Node

My question is that when a NaN F32 is returned, is there any rule or 
specification for the propagation of NaN? 

Newbie for Wasm. Sorry If I missed any common documentation for this part 
:) Thx!

Background: The bug for filed for RISCV ( 
https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=14269 ) 

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