Turns it was also the problem on the OS X Side as well.

On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 1:25:31 AM UTC-5 Ronald Fenner wrote:

> So i found the issue since when the library was built this define was set 
> when building v8 "V8_ENABLE_CHECKS
> In my project I didn't have it defined so the variable scope_level_ wasn't 
> getting defined since it's declared in the headers that get included from 
> the v8 includes thus getting compiled out and was always 0. 
> Defining "V8_ENABLE_CHECKS" fixed the problem on my side.
> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 1:09:42 PM UTC-5 Ronald Fenner wrote:
>> I've been trying to figure out what's casuing a crash around an isolate 
>> being released.
>> On Mac OS X i was getting a bad exec in an atomic load related to 
>> EntryStackItem.
>> I moved over to windows to see if it would crash there and it does but 
>> with a different error.
>> Possibly because on widows i've updated to I also saw the 
>> same thing in 11.8..173.
>> I elminated any of my code by copying over the hello world sample and 
>> build it under my project bazel build and it also crashes. However it 
>> doesn't crash when i added it as a build target for the project that builds 
>> the v8 libraries for me.
>> That process is use the args file to build the v8 then package all the 
>> .objs for a specified set of of v8 libraries into a .a since bazel doesn't 
>> like .lib in cc_library.
>> Oddly enough when i run all my tests using non debug builds it has no 
>> porblem running just the debug builds of v8.
>> Currently seeing these 2 crashes
>> This one occurs in one of my yests when calling HasCaught of a TryCatch
>> #
>> # Fatal error in C:\Users\dorml\github\v8Dist\v8\src/objects/slots.h, 
>> line 84
>> # Debug check failed: IsAligned(ptr, kSlotDataAlignment).
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> #FailureMessage Object: 000000FCC711DCA
>> If i comment that line out then It crashes in the HandleScope when it's 
>> leaving it's scope and being deleted. It crtashes on this line
>>   CHECK_EQ(scope_level_, i_isolate_->handle_scope_data()->level);
>> Since the level is 1 and not 0.
>> All the code was working prior to moving up to more recent releases of v8
>> I suspect it may be some difference in debug builds between v8 build 
>> process and bazel build process toolchains.

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