Math.floor should work fine - in general you can make use of the implicit
conversions of Javascript operations: Two additional options that may be
even faster come to my mind: bitwise-or and unary plus. Bitwise-or converts
its input to integer-32, unary plus converts to a number. Depending on what
the result should be, the most efficient ways with V8 to ensure that
something is always a number (or an integer) would be:

y = x | 0    // y is always int32

y = +x     // y is always a number (floating point or int)

or as already suggested by Mads:

y = Math.floor(x)   // y is always an integer (possibly larger than


Den 21. feb. 2011 00.57 skrev <>:

> I'm currently building a language for writing games that compiles
> directly to JavaScript. As a part of this I wrap JS arrays inside my
> own Array object, and inside it's 'set' method I run 'parseInt' on the
> given key to ensure the index is always an int.
> Due to warnings given by the closure JavaScript optimizer I use, today
> I changed 'parseInt( key )' to 'parseInt( key, 10 )' (the optimizer
> gives you a warning if you fail to do this). However I found that
> after adding the radix I received a major performance drop. I'm using
> Chrome 11.0.672.2.
> With some of the array intensive examples (namely this one
> the loss in framerate
> was almost 60% (from around 35fps on my machine to 15fps)! That's
> surprising since it's also doing lots of drawing too (although most
> time is spent on the number crunching). Simply removing the redux from
> parseInt solved this issue and brought the performance back up.
> In my own primitive benchmarks (running parseInt 1000's of times) I
> find similar, but with less of a performance drop. I'm just really
> stunned that simply supplying the radix can cause such a big drop in
> performance. Could this be solved in the future?
> --
> v8-dev mailing list

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