
You are right --- this options are not well maintained.

There is an open issue regarding compilation with

I think a similar issue should be opened for debuggersupport=off.

Vyacheslav Egorov

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:28 PM, evgeny.baskakov
<evgeny.baska...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am building version 3.3.1 under Linux ia32.
> Everything goes fine with the default scons settings, but switching on
> any of the options "debuggersupport=off" or "profilingsupport=off"
> breaks the compilation process.
> I use these options to strip off the debugger and profiler in order to
> achieve the smallest possible binary size of the v8 library.
> However, it looks like these two options somewhat abandoned, as the
> compilation fails at numerous points of the code when variables like
> "debug", "profiling", "ticker" are accessed (that is, they aren't
> protected with any preprocessor defines):
> src/compiler.cc:667: error: 'class v8::internal::Isolate' has no
> member named 'debug'
> src/runtime.cc:7301: error: 'class v8::internal::Isolate' has no
> member named 'debug'
> src/runtime.cc:7307: error: 'class v8::internal::Isolate' has no
> member named 'debug'
> src/log.cc:1553: error: 'ticker_' was not declared in this scope
> src/log.cc: In function 'void
> v8::internal::ComputeCpuProfiling(v8::internal::Sampler*, void*)':
> src/log.cc:1631: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct
> v8::internal::Sampler'
> src/log.h:138: error: forward declaration of 'struct
> v8::internal::Sampler'
> --
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