+mstarzinger +rossberg

I think we need a repro and V8 version. I could not repro on ToT with
an example like:

 static Handle<Value> Getter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) {
  return Integer::New(24);

static Handle<Value> Foo(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  Handle<Object> obj = Object::New();

  obj->SetAccessor(String::New("foo"), &Getter, 0 /* setter */,

  return scope.Close(obj);

var obj = Foo();

var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "foo");

obj.foo = 42;

% out/ia32.debug/d8 test.js

> What I want is a property that is writable but if not set should call the 
> getter.

I don't see how it fits into JavaScript object model.  If you have an
accessor property without a setter you can't write into it ([[CanPut]]
will be false).

>  Is there a way to remove a V8 accessor?

delete object.name would delete it. But there seems to be a different
way, see below.

> Would a call to Delete() make this a slow object?


Different way is to use v8::Object::ForceSet to replace accessor with
a real property. Good news: it will keep an object in fast mode if
possible (if object has enough space for another fast property). Bad
news: every time you replace an accessor with a normal data property
with ForceSet you will get a different map (hidden class) because
v8::internal::JSObject::ConvertDescriptorToField does not create a

// In theory accessor descriptors should be replaceable with data
descriptors via [[DefineOwnProperty]] (Object.defineProperty) but
there is some special handling in our code that prevents it.

Vyacheslav Egorov

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Erik Arvidsson <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
> The V8 WebKit bindings generates something like this:
> object->SetAccessor(name, getter, 0 /* setter */, data,
> static_cast<v8::AccessControl>(v8::DEFAULT),
> static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::ReadOnly)
> There are two really strange behaviors with this:
> 1. The descriptor for this reports this as writable:
> var descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
> descr.writable  // true!
> 2. Setting the property works
> object.name = 42;
> object.name  // 42
> However, if we remove the ReadOnly flag in the call to SetAccessor we
> get a writable property that cannot be written to:
> object->SetAccessor(name, getter, 0 /* setter */, data,
> static_cast<v8::AccessControl>(v8::DEFAULT),
> static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::None)
> var descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
> descr.writable  // true
> object.name = 42;
> object.name  // not 42!
> This is pretty strange. What I want is a property that is writable but
> if not set should call the getter.
> One way I can implement this is to generate a setter too that when set
> reconfigures the property. Is there a way to remove a V8 accessor?
> Would a call to Delete() make this a slow object?
> --
> erik
> --
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