Ok, so I have the following code.
The function "Delete" is a function property of the Point object, to ensure 
proper destruction of the c++ object.

At point (2) i am checking whether the js variable is a global variable and 
set the value to Null().

Is there a way to set a local function scope js variable declared with 
"var" keyword to null through the c++ code ?

#define UNWRAP_INTERNAL_FIELD(holder, retval, pointer)                     
  HandleScope handle_scope;                                                 
  Local<Object> self = holder;                                             
  if (self->InternalFieldCount() != 1 || 
self->GetInternalField(0)->IsNull() == true || 
self->GetInternalField(0)->IsUndefined() == true)  \
    return retval;                                                         
  Local<External> wrap = Local<External>::Cast(self->GetInternalField(0)); 
  Point* pointer = static_cast<Point*>(wrap->Value());
    static Handle<Value> Delete(const Arguments &args) {
      UNWRAP_INTERNAL_FIELD(args.Holder(), Null(), p);

      // (1) Clear args[0] object properties and functions
      Local<Array> array = self->GetPropertyNames();
      for (int i = 0; (uint32_t)i < array->Length(); i++)

      // (2) If args[0] is a global object then remove the object form 
global scope
      Local<Object> global = self->CreationContext()->Global();
      array = global->GetPropertyNames();
      for (int i = array->Length()-1; i >= 0; i--)
        HandleScope handle_scope;
        Local<Value> name = array->Get(i);
        Local<Object> obj = global->Get(name)->ToObject();
        if (obj->InternalFieldCount() == 1 && 
obj->GetInternalField(0)->IsNull() == false)
          Local<External> _wrap = 
          if (wrap->Value() == _wrap->Value()) {
            global->Set(name, Null());

      // (3) Delete the c++ object and call its destructors
      delete p;

      // (4) SetInternalField to null
      self->SetInternalField(0, Null());

      return Boolean::New(true);

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