On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Dan Carney <dcar...@chromium.org> wrote:
> We've discussed the api a bit more, and decided that it really needs to look
> more like Local and Persistent.  I apologize to anyone who may have already
> started to use the original api.  This change will land next week and will
> remove the original.
> The new api is used as follows:
> Eternal<FunctionTemplate> eternal;
> ....
> Local<FunctionTemplate> function_template;
> if (eternal.IsSet()) {
>   function_template = eternal.Get(isolate);
> } else {
>   HandleScope scope(isolate);
>   function_template = BuildFunctionTemplate();
>   eternal.Set(isolate, function_template);
> }

Suggestion: lower the cognitive barrier, rename IsSet() to IsEmpty() -
unless it does something completely different from
Handle<T>::IsEmpty(), of course.

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