
I’m trying to hook in V8 JSON based debugger into a project. I was able to 
setup a breakpoint(line: 2 column: 0) against a OnUpdate function, sample 
function looks like this:

function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
 log("doc meta id: ", meta.key);

 if (meta.type === "json" && doc.ssn) {
   log("doc.ssn field: ", doc.ssn);

   updated_doc = CalculateCreditScore(doc)
   credit_bucket[meta.key] = updated_doc;

   var value = credit_bucket[meta.key];

   //delete credit_bucket[meta.key];

   var d = new Date();
   var n = ISODateString(d);
   log("ISO 8601: ", n);

   registerCallback("CallbackFunc", meta.key, n);
   enqueue(order_queue, meta.key);

Got success message from V8 via sample response like this:


I was hoping given breakpoint is set, "OnUpdate()” execution would be paused 
unless I explicitly send continue call - but that didn’t happen and it 
continued business as usual. Is that expected? I’m thinking probably reading up 
node.js 5.x source for debugger agent, but just asking here in case somebody 
already knows what I might be missing.


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