Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() has been implemented in V8 since 
February 2016, and enabled by the "Experimental Javascript Features" flag 
in Chrome since March. The feature has been ratified and is in the 
at https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptors.

Performance-wise, I believe we outperform user-space implementations of 
this function in the common cases by a factor of 2 (measured 
at https://github.com/caitp/getOwnPropertyDescriptors-bench), possibly 
slightly slower for more exotic uses (but this has not been tested).

The technical debt introduced by this feature is fairly limited, taking up 
a total of 36 lines of straightforward C++ code.

There is no chromestatus entry, but one will be created if asked for. It's 
been implemented for several months without one, and it seems like the 
feature is being found without an entry.

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