A tracking issue <https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/7940> at 
Electron's repository confirms that it's not possible to build static 
libraries using GN:

Under gn, there is no way to have v8 build as a standalone static library. 
> This is because v8 and other intermediate targets used to build chrome.exe
>  are source_set targets in chrome's gn files <https://goo.gl/VM4xOk>. 
> These are like virtual targets, and only object (.o) files are ever 
> generated for them.

A trick described here 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/v8-users/Y05xPj956Ys> involves 
modifying *v8/gni/v8.gni* to force static library generation:

template("v8_source_set") {
 static_library(target_name) {

Which results in these files being included in *out.gn/x64.release/obj/* 
after building with Ninja:

   - libfuzzer_support.a
   - libjson_fuzzer.a
   - libparser_fuzzer.a
   - libregexp_fuzzer.a
   - libsimple_fuzzer.a
   - libv8_base.a
   - libv8_external_snapshot.a
   - libv8_libbase.a
   - libv8_libplatform.a
   - libv8_libsampler.a
   - libv8_nosnapshot.a
   - libv8_snapshot.a
   - libwasm_asmjs_fuzzer.a
   - libwasm_fuzzer.a

On Saturday, 26 November 2016 17:34:00 UTC+11, tbl...@icloud.com wrote:
> Actually, that's the wrong link. I've completely forgotten where I found 
> out that information.

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