
I had some issues while integrating v8 with the project I'm working on, so 
I have some questions and (maybe) a suggestion, and I'd like to hear what 
you think about that.

I was experiencing some cryptic std::bad_alloc errors. While investigating 
them, I realized that v8, by default, uses a sysroot image (Debian Wheezy 
for v8 5.4) to build itself (this fact is not mentioned anywhere in the Wiki 
<https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/>). The use of a sysroot causes libv8.so to 
have weak versions of the symbols from the C++ standard library. However, 
if you link against libv8.so like this:

$ clang++ -L/path/to/v8/out.gn/x64.debug -lv8 -o test test.cc

These weak symbols override some symbols from the system's libstdc++.so, 
since the linker won't search for them in libstdc++.so after having found 
them in libv8.so. This can be seen by using the linker's trace-symbol 
option (I'll use std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy::_M_need_rehash, used 
by unordered_map, as an example, since this function was giving me trouble).

$ # With v8
$ clang++ -std=c++11 -L/home/andre/Develop/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.debug -lv8 
-Wl,--trace-symbol=_ZNKSt8__detail20_Prime_rehash_policy14_M_need_rehashEmmm -o 
test test.cc
/tmp/andre/test-56ed0e.o: reference to 
definition of _ZNKSt8__detail20_Prime_rehash_policy14_M_need_rehashEmmm

$ # Without v8
clang++ -std=c++11 
-Wl,--trace-symbol=_ZNKSt8__detail20_Prime_rehash_policy14_M_need_rehashEmmm -o 
test test.cc
/tmp/andre/test-7b1f80.o: reference to 
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/6.3.1/*libstdc++.so*: definition of 

What ended up happening in my project was that my cc files were compiled 
against the system's standard library, but v8 wasn't. That lead to the 
following scenario:

   1. My code calls function X from the standard library.
   2. Control flows to the version of function X present in the system's 
   standard library.
   3. Function X calls another function Y from the standard library.
   4. Control moves to the version of function Y present in libv8.so, due 
   to the linker's symbol resolution.
   5. Error occurs due to different versions of the standard library.

I found that I could pass use_sysroot=false to gn, and that solved the 
problem, since it produces a libv8.so that contains only undefined 
references to (instead of weak versions of) symbols from the standard 
library. (use_sysroot=false doesn't seem to work with gyp; I know gyp 
support is deprecated, but I'm mentioning it anyway).

So, my question for you is: is this behavior expected? If I'm integrating 
v8 with a project of mine, should I always compile it with 
use_sysroot=false? If that is the case, shouldn't this fact be mentioned in 
the Wiki?

Thank you, and apologies for the long email.


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