We are aware that dictionary-mode objects are not particularly memory
efficient right now, and are working on improving that.

With the current implementation, every used entry in a property dictionary
requires 3 words (=8 bytes each on 64-bit), one word each for the
property's name, value, and details (writable/enumerable/configurable).
Additionally, dictionaries grow when usage exceeds 2/3 of capacity; this is
in order to keep the probability of collisions low.
When they grow, they grow by a factor of 4x. (That smells like a bug; I
would guess that the intention was to let them grow by 2x, but the
multiplication is done twice.)

What ends up happening is that for objects with 43 properties, the
dictionary has capacity 64, consuming 64 * 3 (words per entry) * 8 (bytes
per word) = 1536 bytes (+ 7 words metadata). When you add the 44th
property, it is grown to capacity 256, now consuming 256 * 3 * 8 = 6144
bytes (+7 words metadata). On the bright side, you can then grow your
objects all the way up to 170 properties without increasing memory usage.
So the overhead you're measuring will depend a lot on just how many
properties you're adding.

Side note: if you know the set of properties that will be added in advance
(just not their order), then it might be a good idea to initialize all of
them in the object's constructor, and fill in their actual values later, so
that you'll benefit from faster and slimmer objects. Roughly:
function MyObject() {
  this.prop1 = undefined;
  this.prop2 = undefined;
  // etc...
function OnNetworkReceived(object, prop, value) {
  object[prop] = value;  // prop is "prop1" or "prop2" or ...

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Russ P <russpow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been working on a project that adds properties to objects in a
> variable order as they come in over the network (hidden classes and similar
> optimizations can't be applied). I've noticed that V8, on both Chrome and
> Node, uses huge amounts of memory to represent them compared to other JS
> engines.  I'm testing on Windows.
> In 64-bit V8, an object with 50 simple properties with integer values uses
> ~6000 bytes of memory, which works out to >100 bytes overhead per entry.
>  32-bit is somewhat better at ~3000 bytes per object and >45 bytes overhead
> per entry, but it's still really bad.
> In comparison, the same 50-property objects were only ~900 bytes each in
> Firefox and Edge.  That's 3-6X less!
> I've included a test that shows the issue if you'd like to try it out:
> https://repl.it/HIMc/7.  Be sure to turn off infinite loop protection in
> settings.  After running it, you can force a gc and check the browser's
> memory usage (divide by 200000, that's the test # of objects).
> Anyone else seen similar problems?  That seems like a crazy amount of
> overhead per property.
> -Russ
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