On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 5:10 PM, aleReimondo <alereimo...@smalltalking.net>

> Confirmed the malfunction of the build toolset on the Raspberry Pi.
> It has been reproduced started from clean SDCard (Raspbian OS) and
> following wiki procedures to build V8 without observing any other issues
> during installation and setup.
> So, I will consider this a BUG of Chrome toolset and wait to be repaired
> soon.
> IMHO the downloaded binary of gn is wrong on the Raspery Pi 3 (Raspbian
> OS).

Interesting observation.
Yes, it looks like it is assumed that nobody builds on an ARM device; this

> Due to the lack of ARM hardware with the grunt to build Chromium native,
> cross compiling is currently the recommended method of building for ARM.

V8 has instructions for cross-compiling:
https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Cross-compiling-for-ARM (these are targeting
Android, but it should be easy to adapt them).

As an alternative: while there don't seem to be pre-built gn binaries for
you to download, you can build your own gn from source. However, I'm not
familiar with that process so I can't give more detailed hints, I only know
that it is possible.

> Ale
> p.d. Why are we downloading binaries? the reason to use py scripting is to
> do not transfer binary...  please remove scripting (best) or binary
> downloads in the toolset :-P

Well, gn is a binary tool, that's by design... The Python scripts around it
are just for convenience.

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