Comments inline.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 3:29 AM Adam Klein <> wrote:

> Apologies for the delay, this got hidden from me due to some gmail
> filtering issues...comments inline.
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 2:14 PM PhistucK <> wrote:
>> I misremembered formatToParts as a relatively recent feature, but now I
>> see that the intent I remembered was actually discussing NumberFormat.
>> DateTimeFormat did not seem to have an intent on blink-dev (but I see
>> that it did on v8-users).
>> says it is still
>> behind a flag... Is the MDN article
>> <>
>> correct in stating that it was supported in Chrome 57 (and confusingly,
>> also behind the flag until Chrome 60)?
> Indeed, Chrome 57 looks like the right release (from looking through v8
> commits). I've updated that on chromestatus. That is indeed awhile ago.

Thank you.

>> Shameless plug - probably a good opportunity to add it to my filtered
>> feed scraper and to my RSS reader -
>> Nevertheless, my intuition (more like a hunch, though) is that this
>> specific field is relatively little used, but I may be wrong (the fact that
>> my locale does not use it probably makes me biased).
>> From seeing all of the polyfills (which already use the standard casing)
>> on GitHub (the search yielded a lot of those), I presumed they are also
>> used by projects, which might mean those projects probably tested their
>> polyfilled implementation as well on Internet Explorer 11 or Safari pre-11,
>> so they would have probably seen the casing issue if they did something
>> with that particular field (Salesforce worked around it, for example).
>> However, there is probably a lot of code that is Chrome only (:(), so...
> Again, it'd be great to get Jungshik's input on this, since he was the one
> who implemented it.

I agree, it would be great if you pinged Jungshik on Hangouts or something
and ask Jungshik to follow this thread...

>> Is there an option to add a use counter to V8?
>> Is there an existing use counter for formatToParts altogether that I may
>> have missed (or maybe it is internal)?
> It is possible to add use counters to V8. They need to be plumbed through
> the API, and then manually updated from V8, so it's more work to add than
> it is in Blink, but it's doable. Would you be interested in adding such a
> counter?

It is probably much more than I bargained for (especially the delay until
we get results and usage can increase by the day). ;) But if you have a
change list I can follow for guidance, I might just do that (barring a
positive response from Jungshik).

>> Also, Node does not have to use V8 anymore, just saying. ;)
>> ☆*PhistucK*
>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 7:59 PM Adam Klein <> wrote:
>>> +Jungshik and Dan, who I believe worked on this feature in V8
>>> originally. I'm curious if they know how it happened that this ended up
>>> with the wrong capitalization.
>>> I appreciate the outreach you've done to fix uses in the wild, but it
>>> still scares me a little bit to make such a hard-breaking change,
>>> especially for V8-only environments like Node. So I'd also like to get some
>>> of your (or Jungshik or Dan's) intuition about how often this particular
>>> field is accessed.
>>> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 8:56 AM PhistucK <> wrote:
>>>> (Probably an overkill, but here it goes)
>>>> Contact emails
>>>> Explainer
>>>> No explainer, a specification exists already.
>>>> Spec
>>>> Summary
>>>> This change corrects a non-compliant type value in the formatToParts
>>>> implementation.
>>>> > new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-us", {hour12: true, hour:
>>>> "numeric"}).formatToParts()
>>>> [{"type": "hour", "value": "6"}, {"type": "literal", "value": " "},
>>>> {"type": "day*p*eriod", "value": "PM"}]
>>>> Will change to -
>>>> [{"type": "hour", "value": "6"}, {"type": "literal", "value": " "},
>>>> {"type": "day*P*eriod", "value": "PM"}]
>>>> Motivation
>>>> Compliance with the standards and other browsers and likely most of the
>>>> code that is already out there.
>>>> Risks
>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>> Compatibility risk - small to medium at worst.
>>>> Searched GitHub (not exhaustive, but some indication) for dayperiod 
>>>> instances
>>>> -
>>>> The vast majority are polyfills that use dayPeriod already, or code
>>>> that uses type.toLowerCase() to bridge over the differences.
>>>> Sent pull requests to the few cases that were plain wrong -
>>>> Interoperability risk - none.
>>>> Edge: No signals
>>>> Firefox: Shipped
>>>> Safari: Shipped
>>>> Web developers: No signals.
>>>> Alternatives for web developers
>>>> Either check for type === "dayPeriod" || type === "dayperiod", or 
>>>> type.toLowerCase()
>>>> === "dayperiod".
>>>> Ergonomics
>>>> Irrelevant.
>>>> Activation
>>>> Irrelevant.
>>>> Debuggability
>>>> Already debuggable.
>>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows,
>>>> Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>>>> Yes.
>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>>>> <>
>>>> ?
>>>> Nope, but it is tested by test262, though not this case (which is
>>>> apparently why the interoperability issue exists).
>>>> *I submitted a test262 pull request to maintain interoperability -*
>>>> *
>>>> <>*
>>>> Bug and proposed change list -
>>>> Link to entry on the feature dashboard <>
>>>> Requesting approval to ship?
>>>> Yes. I think so. Do you think a deprecation period is warranted? There
>>>> is no (public?) use counter for formatToParts.
>>>> ☆*PhistucK*
>>>> --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>> Groups "blink-dev" group.
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>> <>
>>>> .

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