I'm trying to create new template that should match required behaviour but 
now i'm stuck with NamedPropertyHandler.
What I need to achieve:
1. All property access calls should be processed by unified handlers 
(getter/setter for indexed access and getter/setter for named access). 
(This part is working).
2. Template also should have a set of predefined functions with different 
handlers for each. (This part is not working).

What I am doing. Assume that we have code like following:

void NamedGetter(Local<Name> name, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value> &info) 
{ ... }
void NamedSetter(Local<Name> name, Local<Value> value, const 
PropertyCallbackInfo<Value> &info) { ... }
void IndexedGetter(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value> &info) 
{ ... }
void IndexedSetter(uint32_t index, Local<Value> value, const 
PropertyCallbackInfo<Value> &info) { ... }
void FunctionAHandler(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value> &info) { ... }

//Lets skip initialization code...

Local<String> funcName = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "FunctionA", v8::

Local<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
templ->Set(funcName, FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, FunctionAHandler, 
templ->SetHandler(NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(NamedGetter, NamedSetter

//Creating instance of template in current context with name my_instance...

Then, when i'm executing JS like "my_instance.FunctionA();" this is 
proccessed by V8 like i'm accessing property with name "FunctionA". I mean 
it's starting to execute NamedGetter function. 
And after that it fails with error:

<unknown>:10: Uncaught TypeError: my_instance.FunctionA is not a function

If I'm not adding NamedPropertyHandler to template - FunctionAHandler is 
invoked like expected.
So my question is - how to avoid executing NamedGetter when function with 
such name is defined on template? Or maybe i't possible to proccess 
function calls inside NamedGetter and avoid creating handlers for each 
function I need in template?
I would appreciate any help with this.

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