Everything on the heap is a heap object ;-)

I guess the term "bytecode" is slightly overloaded. If you mean "the
bytecode of a function", i.e. the entire bytecode representation of that
function, then yes, that is indeed stored as an object on the heap
(where/how else would it be stored?); and "Bytecode" is the C++ class that
describes the layout of that object.

If you mean "each bytecode" in the sense of "each bytecode instruction,
e.g. LdaSmi", then no: they are not individual objects. They are raw
numbers encoding the respective bytecode instruction.

In short: 1 function -> 1 AST (with many AST nodes in it) -> 1 bytecode
object (with many bytecode instructions in it).

Note that heap objects are not objects of the respective class in the usual
C++ sense -- again this is the same for Bytecode and all other heap objects.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 11:27 AM TLim <heuichan....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to get the idea of how ignition generates the bytecode from the
> AST and handles it straight.
> My understanding is that when the Ignition walks through the AST from the
> parser, it generates bytecodes.
> Then, how it generates is that each bytecode is actually an object of
> bytecode class.
> Probably how it gets generated and handled is way more complicated, but I
> simply want to get the idea straight first that the bytecode is actually a
> class object.
> Thank you!
> --
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