I am embedding V8 and trying to capture the current javascript stacktrace 
using the "v8::StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace":

Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();

Local<StackTrace> stack = v8::StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(isolate, 10, v8

*for* (*int* i = 0; i < stack->GetFrameCount(); i++) {

    Local<v8::StackFrame> frame = stack->GetFrame(isolate, i);

    Local<v8::String> funcName = frame->GetFunctionName();

    v8::String::Utf8Value str(isolate, funcName);

    *const* *char** name = *str;

    printf("%s (%d:%d)\n", name, frame->GetLineNumber(), frame->GetColumn


I have placed this code inside a custom function that I have registered to 
the global scope.

Before calling my custom function, I tried logging the stack property of an 
Error object (by using : console.log(new Error().stack)) and I obtained the 
following output:

    at bar (file:///app/bundle.js:266:29)
    at test (file:///app/bundle.js:267:15)
    at Observable.onTap (file:///app/bundle.js:268:11)
    at Button.notify (file:///app/vendor.js:3620:32)
    at Button._emit (file:///app/vendor.js:3640:18)
    at TapHandlerImpl.tap (file:///app/vendor.js:15540:19)

With the "v8::StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace" method I get:

bar (266:29)
test (267:15)
(null) (268:11)
(null) (3620:32)
(null) (3640:18)
(null) (15540:19)

I am getting empty function names from some frames, while all the other 
information is present (script name, line, column numbers, ...).

Do you know what might be the reason for getting empty function names?

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