> I'll try compiling with "is_clang = true"

Shouldn't hurt, although my suspicion is since you didn't override it, it 
defaulted to true, due to these lines from "build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn":

  is_clang = current_os != "linux" ||
             (current_cpu != "s390x" && current_cpu != "s390" &&
              current_cpu != "ppc64" && current_cpu != "ppc" &&
              current_cpu != "mips" && current_cpu != "mips64")

You've passed up my meager knowledge, I've never used any but command-line 
tools on Windows.

If the linker really is searching your libplatform library, then that still 
leaves the possibility of a disagreement about name mangling. Seems most 
likely you built that library with V8's included clang (and a large number 
of command-line options that you would have to go poking around to 
discover). If the thing you're trying to link against these libraries isn't 
being built with the exact same tool/options, it's possible they disagree 
on how to write symbols that contain their function's signature. On Linux, 
even using the same exact clang on both sides, I had to add the rather 
obscure clang command-line option "-D_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=Cr" in order to 
get all the def/ref symbol names in agreement and eliminate the last of my 
"missing symbol" linker errors.

To not abandon hope, remember that if you can build/run the included sample 
executables, then it is somehow possible!

On Sunday, December 15, 2019 at 12:22:35 PM UTC-8, Bad_At_Life wrote:
> Ok, wonderful
> this is the content of my args.gn file:
> is_debug = false
> target_cpu = "x64"
> is_component_build = true
> in my out.gn/x64.release folder I have both "v8_libplatform.dll.lib" and 
> "v8_libplatform.dll".
> I'm posting a screenshot of the folder.
> In my c++ solution I have these files in Properties > Linker > Input > 
> Additional Dependencies:
> - v8.dll.lib
> - v8_libbase.dll.lib
> - v8_libplatform.dll.lib
> - icuuc.dll.lib
> - icui18n.dll.lib
> - libc++.dll.lib
> Under Properties > Linker > General > Additional Library Directories
> - the directory containing those 6 files above
> Under Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
> - the include directory containing the header files (posting also that 
> screeshot)
> Thank you, I do really appreciate your help.
> If there is anything else I need to tell about my setup, I'll be glad to 
> post.
> Tomorrow (it's evening for me) I'll try compiling with "is_clang = true"

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