
Is it possible to build V8 with UWP (Windows Store App) support? I found a 
couple of references to "winuwp" in BUILD.GN, but trying to build with 
*target_os="winuwp"* produces an error:

gn gen .\v8\out\x64\UWP-Debug --args='v8_enable_i18n_support=false 
is_component_build=false v8_monolithic=true 
v8_use_external_startup_data=false treat_warnings_as_errors=false 
use_custom_libcxx=false target_os=""winuwp"" target_cpu=""x64"" 
v8_enable_pointer_compression=true is_clang=false'
ERROR Unresolved dependencies.
  needs //:bytecode_builtins_list_generator(//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64)
  needs //:mksnapshot(//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64)
  needs //:torque(//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64)
  needs //test/mkgrokdump:mkgrokdump(//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64)

Any tips are appreciated.
Thank you!

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