
I am trying to build v8 for an *android x86* emulator.

I have followed the steps in https://v8.dev/docs/cross-compile-arm, except 
that it builds for an arm emulator.

Therefore, I tried to change the arguments in the file args.gn, using :
target_cpu = "x86"
target_os = "android"

I also have :
target_os = ['android'] in my .gclient file.

After a ninja build, I get a d8 executable, except when pushing it on an 
x86 emulator, I get 'Illegal Instruction'.

I have also seen in the docs:
"f you specify an Android build (see below) the default CPU architecture 
will be "arm". You could try overriding it to "arm64", "x86", "mipsel", or 
"mips64el" but the GN builds for these aren't regularly tested."

Is there something I am missing ? Could someone direct me to a correct way 
to build for x86 android ?

Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day !

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