On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 4:42 PM Joey Allen <allenjoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are working on a research project and one functionality we are trying to 
> implement is to hook the entry point of a JS function, and then backtrack to 
> determine the scope in which the input parameters for this function were 
> created.
> To implement hooking the entry point of a function, we used an approach 
> similar to the --trace flag, and it is working well. However, we are facing 
> issues when implementing the  "backtracking" to determine the creation scope 
> of the input parameters.
> To provide an example in what we are trying to achieve, I have provided a 
> sample program below. In this sample program, the goal of our instrumentation 
> will be to hook the send function and eventually learn that the input 
> parameter, data, was created in the sendDatafunction.
> Sample Program:
> function send(data) {
> console.log(data)
> }
> function preSend(data) {
>   send(data)
> }
> function sendData() {
>   var data = "input-data"
>   preSend(data)
> }
> sendData()
> Our Current Approach
> Our current approach to determine the creation scope is to iterate the JS 
> call stack, and then access the context for each function. Using the context, 
> we then are calling context.scope_info() to reference the ScopeInfo, which 
> will hopefully provide information related to the variables created in this 
> scope. The intuition behind this approach is based on the comment in 
> `src/objects/contexts.h` which suggests that at runtime a parallel 'context 
> stack' is created.
> However, we have found that when walking the Javascript stack, when we check 
> the context of each function, the context() method always returns a 
> NativeContext, which is the same for each function. For example, in the 
> snippet below,  the object returned by it.frame()->context() is the same for 
> every function on the stack for the sample program above.
> Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
> JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate);
> while (!it.done()) {
> std::cout << "Function: " << it.frame()->function() << std::endl;
> std::cout << "Context: " << it.frame()->context() << std::endl;
> }
> Can anyone provide any suggestions on how to access the scope of a specific 
> function, and on the feasibility of this approach? We are also open to other 
> approaches for achieving this.
> thanks,
> Joey

Untried, but does it.frame()->function().context() give the expected result?

As a general observation: you can probably use the inspector protocol
for this (see include/js_protocol.pdl, search for CallFrame). I
suspect your current approach won't work for optimized code. The
inspector takes cares of deoptimizing what needs deoptimizing.

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