I'm working on a research project that adds instrumentation code to Blink 
and V8. As part of that instrumentation, I want to get the script ID of the 
currently executing script from the Isolate while the script is executing, 
and how I'm doing this is (in isolate.cc):

int Isolate::GetScriptId() {
JavaScriptFrameIterator it(this);

while (!it.done()) {
JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame();
Handle<JSFunction> function(frame->function(), this);

Object maybe_script = function->shared().script();
if (!maybe_script.IsScript()) {
Script script = Script::cast(maybe_script);
return script.id();
Then I call this from various places in Blink code. One such place is 
(third_party/blink/renderer/modules/storage/storage_area.cc) to record 
which script called getItem. 

This normally works fine, but for one particular script on one particular 
website, I get an empty stack (i.e. JavaScriptFrameIterator `it.done()` is 
true right after instantiation). This is the output of `PrintStack(stdout, 

==== JS stack trace =========================================

    0: ExitFrame [pc: 0x10f5993bf]
    1: StubFrame [pc: 0x10f6dbf1b]
Security context: 0x001e08333019 <String[#47]: 
    2: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) 
[0x1e081af4c9](this=0x001e0804030d <undefined>,0x001e08b4ee41 <Storage map 
= 0x1e082e6191>#0#)
    3: StubFrame [pc: 0x10f6d8894]
    4: StubFrame [pc: 0x10f40b328]
    5: EntryFrame [pc: 0x10f371d58]

I realize this is a bit involved: and relates to both Blink and V8, just 
wondering if anyone knows why this might be the case or have any tips for 

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