On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 9:45 PM Ronald Fenner <rfen...@gamecircus.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to test a JS Module that creates a new object that's been 
> registered from the C++ side but it fails on evaluation with:
> Reference Error: TestObj is not defined.
> I can run a script that does essentially the same thing as the module and 
> it's able to run successfully and trigger the C++ function for the 
> construction of the object.
> Here's the test code
> v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_Isolate);
> JSContext *jsContext = m_Context.lock().get();
> WeakJSModulesPtr weakJSModules = jsContext->GetModules();
> JSModules *jsModules = weakJSModules.lock().get();
> JSModulesTestInternal::TestObject::BuildObjectTemplate(m_Isolate);
> const char source[] = R"script(
> let obj = new TestObject();
> )script";
> v8::Local<v8::String> v8Source = JSUtilities::StringToV8(m_Isolate, source);
> EXPECT_FALSE(v8Source.IsEmpty());
> v8::TryCatch tryCatch(m_Isolate);
> v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(jsContext->GetContext(), 
> v8Source).ToLocalChecked();
> script->Run(jsContext->GetContext());
> if (tryCatch.HasCaught())
> {
> std::string error = JSUtilities::GetStackTrace(m_Isolate, tryCatch);
> std::cout << "Script Error: " << error << std::endl;
> ASSERT_TRUE(false);
> }
> EXPECT_NE(nullptr, JSModulesTestInternal::constructerCreatedObjectTest);
> JSModulesTestInternal::constructerCreatedObjectTest) = nullptr;
> //test that module can't be instantiate cause imported module isn't loaded
> v8::Local<v8::Module> root;
> v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> maybeRoot = jsModules->LoadModule("root.mjs");
> EXPECT_TRUE(maybeRoot.ToLocal(&root));
> ASSERT_FALSE(root.IsEmpty());
> EXPECT_TRUE(jsModules->InstantiateModule(root));
> EXPECT_TRUE(jsModules->RunModule(root)); // Fails here.
> ASSERT_NE(nullptr, JSModulesTestInternal::constructerCreatedObjectTest);
> EXPECT_EQ(5, JSModulesTestInternal::constructerCreatedObjectTest->GetValue());
> Here's the modules code
> import rootImport from 'sub-dir/rootImport'
> let obj = new TestObj();
> obj.value = 5;

You didn't include the actual instantiation and evaluation code so
it's hard to say what's going wrong. Try reducing it to a minimal

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