Thanks! I found this StoreIC::Store() function just yesterday while 
debugging in D8 and it works even without (--nouse-ic flag), even though I 
have no clue what this flag does as I can't find it in docs. But this 
tracks all of the keys and objects created.

The main problem now is the following line of code in StoreIC::Store() 

When I cast this object (value) into JSObject and do shortPrint or 
PrintProperties() it doesn't take in account all properties if for example 
its recursive object like this test: {test1: { test2: "testhelloworld" } } 
but rather it prints just test and gives memory lolcation to test1. I can 
obviously recursively do this, but is there any prittier way of doing this 
like via some JSON stringify function? 

I found such JSON stringify function 
but I have very hard trouble in passing arguments to this function and 
printing String out of it as it return MaybeHandle object. Any help here 
would be appreciated.
On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 11:47:33 AM UTC+1 Jakob Kummerow wrote:

> Maps don't keep lists of the objects that use them. To find all objects 
> that use a given map, you'd have to walk the entire heap to find all 
> objects, and filter them by map.
> Considering your previous question, I'm not sure finding all objects that 
> use a given map will actually be helpful. A possible way to intercept 
> creation of properties with a given name (e.g. "mainkey") would be to run 
> with `--nouse-ic` and put a breakpoint on StoreIC::Store(). This is 
> (obviously?) not an officially supported feature, and I haven't tried it, 
> so you may encounter obstacles or limitations of the approach, but it might 
> at least get you a little further.
> I guess you'd need this in Chrome, not just d8, so the full workflow is:
> - build a Debug build of Chrome. Be sure to set v8_optimized_debug = false 
> in beforehand.
> - run with each renderer in a debugger: out/debug/chrome --no-sandbox 
> --disable-hang-monitor --disable-extensions --js-flags="--nouse-ic" 
> --renderer-cmd-prefix="xterm -e gdb -args"
> - bring a large amount of patience to both of these steps, and have enough 
> RAM in your machine (64GB is good, dunno if 32GB is enough)
> Good luck!
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:19 PM Filip Petronijevic <> 
> wrote:
>> Ok, I'll explain what problem I have and if there is any way of solving 
>> it.
>> Imagine I have following Javascript code:
>> var obj1=  {}
>> obj1["mainkey"] = {canvasComputed: "oewrewqioewrerqewjoijiqerw", todata: 
>> "somerandomdata"}
>> var obj2=  {}
>> obj2["mainkey"] = "some big string"
>> var obj3 = {}
>> obj3['mainkey'] = {test: {test1:"somestring"}, test2: 3432}
>> I have 3 objects, they all share same Map. My question is if I know what 
>> memory space this Map has, If I can use that to recursively find all 
>> property values of all objects that share that same Map? In this case to 
>> list obj1's property values (canvasComputed, toData), obj2 property values 
>> (1 string) and obj3  property   values(test object along with string test2) 
>> ?
>> Or the only way I can list own properties of these objects is if I know 
>> exact memory location of each of them? Is there any way I could traverse 
>> from their Map or something they share in common (only mainkey key) and use 
>> this fact to find all property values that hold mainkey as a key?
>> When I do %DebugPrint(obj1) I can see its property values and that this 
>> object shares same map as other objects, but I'm trying to find a way to 
>> generalize this by starting from some common memory slot they all share and 
>> traverse up recursively or whatever to get all property values?
>> Best regards

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