In a shell provisioner, I create a new group and then add the vagrant user 
to the new group:

config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: true, inline: <<-SHELL
  groupadd --force cvs
  usermod -a -G cvs vagrant

In another shell provisioner, I need the vagrant user to belong to the 
'cvs' group because a program that runs checks for it (something like this):

if `groups` =~ /cvs/ ...

but because Vagrant runs all provisioners through the same ssh connection 
to the vm, the changes haven't taken effect yet. If I log into the VM from 
another shell session, the group is present of course.

How can I make Vagrant "reload" or "restart" this shell without a full VM 
restart so that subsequent provisioners will see the changes to the vagrant 
user's groups?


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