On 2019-12-13 11:41 a.m., Rich Morin wrote:
> On the ALSA list, Clemens Ladisch gave me this hint:
>> You have to configure the VM to provide a (virtual) sound hardware device
>> (https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#settings-audio), or to pass
>> through a USB audio device from the host.
> That section (quoted below) lists several settings that need to be made 
> before things will work.  Problem is, I don't know how to check these in the 
> Vagrant environment.  Help?
I don't have a mac, but this worked for me:
In Vagrantfile, add the following:
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audio", "alsa"]
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audioout", "on"]

The relevant documentation:


Hope this works for you :)

> -r
>> The Audio section in a virtual machine's Settings window determines whether 
>> the VM will detect a connected sound card, and if the audio output should be 
>> played on the host system.
>> To enable audio for a guest, select the Enable Audio check box. The 
>> following settings are available:
>> Host Audio Driver: The audio driver that Oracle VM VirtualBox uses on the 
>> host. On a Linux host, depending on your host configuration, you can select 
>> between the OSS, ALSA, or the PulseAudio subsystem. On newer Linux 
>> distributions, the PulseAudio subsystem is preferred.
>> Only OSS is supported on Oracle Solaris hosts. The Oracle Solaris Audio 
>> audio backend is no longer supported on Oracle Solaris hosts.
>> Audio Controller: You can choose between the emulation of an Intel AC'97 
>> controller, an Intel HD Audio controller, or a SoundBlaster 16 card.
>> Enable Audio Output: Enables audio output only for the VM.
>> Enable Audio Input: Enables audio input only for the VM.

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