Hypervisor: Debian 10
Host: Debian 10
Provider: libvirt
Version: 2.2.7 (problem appeared in 2.2.6 also)

I'm writing because I am having some trouble with my vagrant boxes.  I have 
some idea what is going on, based on the symptoms, but I don't know how to 
fix it.

Basically, I have somewhat complex networking needs, so I have set up two 
bridges on my hypervisor, and I make the vagrant vms connect to the bridges 
depending on which network I want them to be on. 

So, for example, take my development machine. 

  config.vm.define :devel do |host|
    host.vm.hostname = "devel"

    host.vm.network :public_network, # home.lan
      :dev  => "brhome",
      :type => "bridge",
      :mac  => aa:00:00:00:10:20"

    host.vm.provider :libvirt do |hyperv|
      hyperv.cpus = 8
      hyperv.memory = 6144


    host.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
      salt.bootstrap_script = 'salt/bootstrap-salt.sh-v2019.10.03'
      salt.install_type = 'git'
      salt.install_args = 'v2019.2.0'

      salt.minion_id = "devel"
      salt.minion_config = "salt/minion"
      salt.minion_key = "salt/base/private/keys/devel.pem"
      salt.minion_pub = "salt/base/private/keys/devel.pub"
      salt.verbose = true
      salt.run_highstate = 'true'

So you see, I add the network interface to link to the bridge here, and then 
the salt 
provisioner installs new netplan files to configure the interface on the 
client.  But then, 
if I reload the machine, I get stuck waiting for SSH to become available 

I understand that the problem is in my new network configuration.  But I'm not 
what the problem is exactly or how to fix it.  I've spent some time looking at 
the vm's
system logs but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.  I can ping the 
from the vm on the private IP address, and I'm pretty sure I can 
ping and SSH to the vm's private IP address on

Do I need to have any specific routes to make vagrant be able to connect via 
Or is there something else I'm missing? What do I need to do to get my machine
to work?

Happy to provide logs and more information.


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