Hey guys i'm having serious problme with to portforward my port 5060 i'm 
stuck on it since 1 week :(
the probleme is i want to portforward the port 5060 on my bridge network 
not in nat so naturaly i did this 

      config.vm.network "public_network", :bridge => "Realtek PCIe 2.5GbE 
Family Controller", :ip => "" 

###########DEFAULT ROUTER##############
    config.vm.provision "shell",
    run: "always",
    inline: "route add default gw"
 config.vm.provision "shell",
    run: "always",
    inline: "eval `route -n | awk '{ if ($8 ==\"eth0\" && $2 != 
\"\") print \"route del default gw \" $2; }'`"
  config.vm.network "forwarded_port", :adapter=>2, guest: 5060,host: 5060, 
protocol: "udp"

Then when i do vagrant reload i have this 

        default: VirtualBox adapter #2 not configured as "NAT". Skipping 

in my router i did port forwarding like this / UDP / ALL IP / 
5060 / 5060 
and still when i try to check open port through internet its says the port 
is close

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