On Sat, March 22, 2008 20:06, Mikael Hermansson wrote:
> 1:
> If I want a copy of Gtk.TreePath I have to use weak but the problem is
> howto free it after use?

That's a bug in the bindings, copy should obviously not return a weak

> 2:
> Another problem probadly a binding bug:
> weak List selection = tw.get_selection().get_selected_rows();
> Because of the weak ref vala will not free the object but howto free it
> manually then??

Same here, bug in the bindings.

> 3: Also the model parameter should not be unrefed
> TreeModel model;
> selections=treeviewPlaylist.get_selection().get_selected_rows( out
> model);
> if (selection)
>   return ;

That's a bug in the compiler, the bindings correctly state that it's a out
weak parameter, i.e. it shouldn't be unref'd.

Feel free to open bug reports to make sure we don't forget about these


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