On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 19:07 +0200, Jürg Billeter wrote:
> So far, Vala doesn't use the non-null type information by default, i.e.
> your application will work fine even if you don't specify the `?` type
> suffix for possibly-null types. That's about to change in the upcoming
> 0.3.x releases. Automatic generation of runtime checks for method
> parameters will be enabled by default, which means that if you pass null
> to a method and forget to add the `?` to the parameter type, you'll get
> a critical runtime warning.

This has been enabled now in Vala SVN trunk. There are two new
commandline options:

    --disable-non-null             revert to the behavior of Vala 0.2.0
                                   in case you want to update Vala but
                                   haven't ported your code yet

    --enable-non-null-experimental warn whenever you try to use a
                                   possibly-null type as a non-null
                                   type, this is still work in progress
                                   and considered experimental


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