Thank you very much for your reactivity :D

The show method is use for show and modifying an entry, for create an
entry I just use empty fields.

2008/5/31 Jürg Billeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, 2008-05-31 at 21:19 +0200, gege2061 wrote:
>> Thank, but I do not see where I have ownership transfer:
>>  public void add ()
>>  {
>>    string[] fields = new string[this.nb_colonne];
>>    if ( (ref fields))
>>    {
>>      Gtk.TreeIter iter;
>>      Gtk.ListStore list_store = (Gtk.ListStore)this.tree_view.get_model ();
>>      list_store.append (out iter);
>>      for (int i = 0; i < this.nb_colonne; i++)
>>      {
>>        list_store.set (iter, i, fields[i]);
>>      }
>>      this.update_file ();
>>    }
>>  }
> The issue was the `ref' argument, however, that was a bug in the
> semantic analyzer, it's fixed now.
> BTW: From what I see you probably shouldn't use a `ref' parameter in the
> show method. It will work but shouldn't be necessary.
> Jürg

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