On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 07:44 +0100, Sam Liddicott wrote:
> If you seach recent vala posts by me, you'll see some discusion on this topic.
I really got lost in the sea of emails. What is the title of the

> I hope to be able to start coding something along these lines in a couple of 
> weeks.

Awesome. I won't have time to write code for the async keyword things in
one or two months anyways.
> My current plan is that such functions are generated as lamdas, with a set of 
> wrappers for entry points.  There is no need for an async keyword.
> Callbacks can pass extra parameters.
> The vala notaton I now favour is:
> //async-able function
> Int func(int arg1) {
> ..
> return {
>   ...
>   Do-something(...,continue(int arg2, int arg3));
>   Return 1;
> }
> Use(arg3)
> ..
> }
> Continue() is a psuedo function which generates the address of a wrapper with 
> the specified parameter list which continues execution just after the return 
> block.
I am totally confused; I really need some reference on your notations.

Is it possible to make an async DBus call in your schema? DBus is the
specific scope I am really interested in.

> I don't know how GLibs g_idle works or fits in.

It can be irrelevant. What I was thinking about the practice for
delaying a function call by using g_idle_add(some_func). There are some
  the function call seems to return immediately, 
  the function is called at a different time,
  a callback code can be postfixed to the regualar function body so that
we know when the function returns.
No IPC/ITC(inter thread calling? ;-] ) thing and therefore the keyword
'async' doesn't fit anyways.

> Sam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yu Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 16 October 2008 14:39
> To: vala-list <vala-list@gnome.org>
> Subject: [Vala] Proposal for asynchronous DBus calls.
> = intro =
> Vala has embedded DBus calls through its dynamic method mechanism. 
> It is nice, but this is not yet the complete story of DBus.
> Aside from the sync calls, DBus can also make async calls. In an async
> call, the caller starts a DBus call on a DBusGProxy by
> dbus_g_proxy_begin_call, giving a callback to be invoked when the call
> is finished. In the callback, dbus_g_proxy_end_call is called to collect
> the 'out' args.
> Here is a tutorial on how to make asynchrous dbus calls.
> http://maemo.org/maemo_training_material/maemo4.x/html/maemo_Platform_Development/Chapter_05_Asynchronous_GLibDBus.html
> = current solution =
> In current vala, the related functions are exposed in dbus-glib-1.vapi,
> and in principle one can always write explicit code with these api to
> achieve an async call. lambda functions for DBusGProxyCallNotify can be
> used to to mitigate the discontinuity problem of async calls.
> = proposed solution =
> What if vala can also embed async DBus calls the same way as sync DBus
> calls? 
> I have a vague, inchoate idea in mind. The newly introduced keyword is
> 'async', to describe an async function call. 
> async Object . Method(method paramters) += callback;
> where callback is either a class/namespace method or a lambda function.
> Here is an example 
> dynamic DBus.Object something;
> int int_param = 1;
> string string_param = "hello";
> async something.Method(string_param, int_param) += (rt1, rt2) => {
>     message("async call returns: rt1 = " + rt1.to_string() + "rt2 = " +
> rt2.to_string());
> }
> At the implementation level, valaccodedynamicmethodbinding has to be
> modified to generate appropriate wrappers for the callback function by
> invoking dbus_g_proxy_end_call.
> = Problems =
> Note: current vala doesn't support type signatures on parameters of
> lambda functions, but we can use a class member function(which has
> explicit parameter types) instead. Bug 511879 is related to this.
> The implication of asynchronous calls is a running MainLoop. this
> implication is not a new one, because we already need a mainloop for
> dynamic signals anyways.
> = Benifits =
> Embedding the support of async calls into Vala makes vala better
> suitable for writing async programs which do not block the UI for long
> time DBus calls.
> The 'async' keyword makes it extremely easy to modify existed sync
> program to async programs. In some cases if the return value is not
> interested, the modification is merely prefixing the 'async' keyword.
> = further =
> This can also be extended to non-dynamical methods, by GLib's g_idle
> mechanism. 
> Yu
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