On Sat, 2008-12-13 at 13:00 -0500, Jamie McCracken wrote:
> The disadvantage to inlining is it destroys the platform independence -
> IE you would not be able to create a gcc front end for vala nor would
> you be able to have vala->c++ or vala->jvm/clr. 
> jamie

Hmmm, I would love to be able to use C++ libraries from Vala (or Genie,
since it's a natural jump from Numeric Python which I currently use).

Any ideas on how to do that? Compile the vala/genie-produced C code with
a C++ compiler?

Conrad D. Steenberg Ph.D.            conrad.steenb...@caltech.edu
Scientific Software Engineer         http://www.nupack.org
Pierce Bio-Engineering Lab           Mail Code 114-96
California Institute of Technology   Pasadena, CA, 91125

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