I have to do another bug fix release since a last minute change badly
broke vtg 0.4.0, so:

        Vala Toys for gEdit - "It used to deadlock"

is released. The source tarball can be downloaded here:


This version supports the new valac 0.5.7.

NEWS for version 0.4.1

* Fixed a deadlock in the parser thread that causes gEdit to freeze when vtg 
plugin is enabled

See http://groups.google.com/group/vtg-dev/msg/c483229c6f0f3d51 the full vtg 
0.4.0 announcement.

Vala Toys for gEdit

Vala Toys for gEdit is an experimental collection of plugins that
extends the gEdit editor to make it a better developer editor. 

Vtg tries to make less compromises as possible so, for now, its scope is
narrowed only to support the Vala programming language.

Vtg is written in Vala itself and it is currently composed of just one
plugin with four modules and it adds to gEdit: 

      * Bracket completion
      * Symbol completion
      * Project Manager
      * Project build / execute

For more information see:




The Vtg developer

        Andrea Del Signore

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