On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 00:27 +0100, Nicolas Joseph wrote:
> Hello,
> Attention, the function feof (in C) should not be used to check the
> end of a file: http://c-faq.com/stdio/feof.html
> The correct code:
> [indent=2]
> init
>  var f = FileStream.open("./main.gs","r")
>  var a = new array of char[2048]
>  while (f.gets(a) != null)
>    a[a.length - 1] = 0         /*make it null-terminated*/
>    var ONELINE = (string)a           /*caste array-of-char to a
> string*/
>    print "%s", ONELINE

just to tidy the code up a bit, here is a slightly cleaner version :



  var f = FileStream.open("./main.gs","r")

  var a = new array of char[2048]

  while f.gets(a) is not null
    a[a.length - 1] = 0         /*make it null-terminated*/
    var ONELINE = (string)a     /*cast array-of-char to a string*/
    print ONELINE

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