Adi Roiban wrote:
> I'm trying to extend the Gtk.CheckMenuItem and unfortunately there are
> no set_label or set_mnemonic methods.
> I was thinking to call the base constructor, but instead of 
> gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label, vala generates
> gtk_check_menu_item_construct_with_label
> Do you know how can I call a base constructor?
> Many thanks!
> Here is my example:
> public class ProjectMenuItem : Gtk.CheckMenuItem {
>       public int id {set; get;}
>       public ProjectMenuItem.with_label(string name) {
>               base.with_label(name);
>       }
>       public ProjectMenuItem.with_mnemonic(string name) {
>               base.with_mnemonic(name);
>       }
> }

You could do this as a workaround instead of calling base:

public class ProjectMenuItem : Gtk.CheckMenuItem {
        public int id {set; get;}

        public ProjectMenuItem.with_label(string name) {
                this.label = name;

        public ProjectMenuItem.with_mnemonic(string name) {
                this.label = name;
                this.use_underline = true;


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