* Yu Feng wrote, On 01/07/09 08:50:
> On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 01:24 +0400, Кутейников Дмитрий wrote:
>> It is some sort of a bug (or a feature). Vala inserts g_object_ref in
>> generated C-code after myList.prepend(myWidget); but it doesn't
>> decrease ref_counter after remove. The only way is to use
>> g_object_unref manually.
> What you said is right. But that's not the full story. 
> If we look at Adi's code more carefully, myList is not a
> List<Gtk.Widget> it is a List. vala doesn't manage a List's member. 
could he have written:

List<Gtk.Widget> myList = new List<Gtk.Widget>();


var myList = new List<Gtk.Widget>();

to make a difference?

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