the documentations on http://references.valadoc.org/ seems outdated.
For example searching by keyword `SockectService' shows nothing related
to SocketService.I also downloaded a devhelp tarball from gnome wiki page
:devhelp-books.tar.gz,but it's also outdated.

It really bugs me that I can not find an update-to-date binding documentations.
Although I can grep a lot in /usr/share/vala/vapi/*.vapi.

I have both git cloned vala and valadoc,but they are not the place I
can find binding
documentations.So my question is  where can I find them?or How can I generate
them using valadoc myself and stay up-to-date?

I hope someday vala(binding) documentation will be as good as those of
PyGtk and
Gtkmm.How can I contribute to vala(binding) documentation if
contribution is welcome?

I also noticed that there are some spammers on http://references.valadoc.org/
How can I report this to the person who is in charge of valadoc.org?

Thanks in advance.
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