
I'm trying to use the Simple XML Subset Parser, starting from the
example at http://live.gnome.org/Vala/MarkupSample.
The GLib.MarkupParser struct is defined as follows:

        unowned GLib.MarkupParser parser = {
                (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values) => {
                    stdout.printf("start |%s|\n",element_name);
                    for (int i = 0; i < attribute_names.length ; i++) {
                       stdout.printf("Attr name: %s, value:
                } ,
                // [...]

I declared it as unowned to avoid the destroy function problem
reported a few times (bugs #595925, #597797, #598178).

That first lambda function is start_element, of type

        public delegate void MarkupParserStartElementFunc
(MarkupParseContext context, string element_name, [CCode (array_length
= false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] attribute_names,
[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]
attribute_values) throws MarkupError;

But Vala happily ignores the array_length and array_null_terminated
properties and produces this code:

        static void _lambda0_ (GMarkupParseContext* context, const
char* element_name, char** attribute_names, int
attribute_names_length1, char** attribute_values, int
attribute_values_length1, GError** error);

I'd expect it to result in the following C code instead:

        static void _lambda0_ (GMarkupParseContext* context, const
char* element_name, char** attribute_names, char** attribute_values,
GError** error);

But even this is wrong, as the actual struct GMarkupParser definition
contains an additional user_data pointer:

  /* Called for open tags <foo bar="baz"> */
  void (*start_element)  (GMarkupParseContext *context,
                          const gchar         *element_name,
                          const gchar        **attribute_names,
                          const gchar        **attribute_values,
                          gpointer             user_data,
                          GError             **error);

Can Vala be convinced to honor the CCode for MarkupParserElementFunc?
And how can I set it up to add the user_data pointer?

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