As always, as a guy with assembly, C and Bash programming background
only, I hope that I'm not asking a dumb question...

I understand that posix profile compiles code without glib/gobject
dependency, but I found some simple examples do not compile. For
example, this one in Genie syntax:

        a:array of string = {"abc", "def", "xyz"}
        for s in a
                print s

I would have thought that should be okay for the posix profile, but
there are compile errors. The generated C code seems to have some glib
stuff in it.

So, my question is, is it intended that the simple example above
should be okay with the posix profile? And, as it doesn't compile (I'm
using vala from git, October 24 2009), is that because posix support
is a work-in-progress?

Barry Kauler
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