Wolter Hellmund wrote:
>> I don't see the benefit of these forms versus
>> struct Object {
>>      int id;
>>      float mass;
>> }
>> respectively
>> enum Process {
>>      CONSTRUCT,
>>      RUN,
>>      DESTROY
>> }
>> or did you miss that these are available?
> Oh, I totally missed that! I thought those were typedef kind of
> declarations,

They are type definitions. I don't think this is what you meant.

  struct MyStruct {
      // ...

  MyStruct my_struct = ...

I think you wanted to define a variable of an anonymous struct/enum type
(i.e. without naming the type). This is possible with C and C++ but not
with Vala, Java and C#.

> Now, as to reply Frederick:
> Well, I think that 
> foreach (MyEnum item in MyEnum.values) { ... }
> would tell the system that item is an enum itself, and to look for
> instances of it in MyEnum (thus to look for enums in an enum), am I
> wrong? If not, then I'll consider filing a bug with the following
> structure
> foreach (MyEnum.Item item in MyEnum) { ... }

The type of an enum value (item) is the enum type itself:

enum MyEnum {

MyEnum item = MyEnum.A;

> Frederick: Also, good to have you back from Germany (someone tole me you
> were away) I am going to show you how my SDL thing turned out later.

You can send me an email.

Best regards,

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