Johan wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanna check if a file has been changed, and then take some action.
> However I am not getting the trick with the signal connection.
> the code below returns:
> (process:18773): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_connect: invalid
> signal spec "changed"
> well I have checked the specs of GLIB and everything seems to be
> correct, maybe something with the Vala notation?
> I appreciate any help!
> johan
> using GLib;
> using Gtk;
> public class HelloVala: GLib.Object {
> int handler2 (FileMonitor monitor,
>                   File file, File other_file, FileMonitorEvent
> event_type) {
>    return 0;
>   }
> public static int main (string[] args) {
>    var file = File.new_for_path ("test.png");
>    var monitor = file.monitor_file(FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
>    monitor.connect("changed",handler2);
>    return 0;
>    }
> }

public class HelloVala: GLib.Object {
    static void handler2 (FileMonitor monitor, File file, File? other_file,
                          FileMonitorEvent event_type) {
        // ...

    public static int main (string[] args) {
        var file = File.new_for_path ("test.png");
        var monitor = file.monitor_file (FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
        monitor.changed.connect (handler2);
        return 0;

Best regards,

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