Jan Hudec wrote:
> … I suppose the something like which encoding leads to least typos
> by spellcheck or which encoding leads to character distribution closest to
> normal for some language would be the only way if you really needed to
> guess encoding of large set of documents of mixed encodings. …

Ah, thanks for the information. That should make dealing with UTF-16 and
maybe 32 a lot easier.

You've confirmed my suspicions about the other encodings; I didn't know
that for sure, though. That's too bad, I guess. But, if there's no real
solution, it makes my job as a programmer a lot easier and I can be at
peace. :) I figure giving them the option to enter a secondary encoding
to try for if UTF-8 doesn't work is a good idea. Right now it's just in
saved settings, but I'm thinking about having a window pop up when this
happens, allowing them to select one (including the current locale, I
suppose—maybe that should be the default, but I'm guessing for this
program, most of the txt files used will not have originated on their

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