On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 22:34 -0600, Andrew Breiner wrote:
> Your patch made gtkstage.get_stage() return a Clutter.Actor, I was
> just 
> wondering why it didn't return a Clutter.Stage.  I manually edited
> the 
> vapi file and told GtkClutter.Embed to have the following information:
> public class Embed : Gtk.Container, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
>     [CCode (type = "GtkWidget*", has_construct_function = false)]
>     public Embed ();
>     public unowned Clutter.Stage get_stage ();
> } 

It returns a ClutterActor because thats what gtk_clutter_get_stage ()
returns, on the whole clutter functions will *always* return clutter
actors and its up to you to to cast them appropriately. just do 
Clutter.Stage stage = gtkstage.get_stage (); 

vala will handle the typecasting for you just fine. if it doesn't for
whatever reason (it should) just add "As Clutter.stage"

Gordon Allott <gord.all...@canonical.com>

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