On Sun, 2010-06-20 at 21:28 +0300, Arkadi Viner wrote:
> Thanks, that did the trick.
> On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 5:02 AM, Didier 'Ptitjes' <ptit...@free.fr> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 06/19/10 23:48, Arkadi Viner wrote:
> > > *so, the declaration look like this:*
> > >   private Gee.List pdfDocuments = new Gee.ArrayList<PdfDocument> ();
> > >
> > > *and when I try to add some thing to it:*
> > >             pdfDocuments.add(new PdfDocument(file_chooser.get_filename
> > ());
> > > *I get compilation error:*
> > > main.vala:99.13-99.24: error: missing generic type arguments
> > > <b>Process return 256  execution time: 0.90 s</b>
> >
> > I guess you have to make your declaration:
> >
> > private Gee.List<PdfDocument> pdfDocuments =
> >        new Gee.ArrayList<PdfDocument> ();

How about:

var pdfDocuments = new Gee.ArrayList<PdfDocument> ();


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