Nicolas píše v Čt 23. 09. 2010 v 12:03 +0200:
> Hi,
> I'm developping a program and i made a mistake in my code, i think i 
> found a bug.
> If i call my gtk window class "test" and in this class i create a gtk 
> button named "test", vala does not report an error, only gcc.

That is a really unusual case. The problem is that since C macros are
text based only, one of them is taking your variable as an argument
instead of the type. That can be worked around by using "struct _Klass"
instead of simply "Klass" in Vala generated macros.

It's not a big issue, but you can report it as a bug if you wish. It's
not Genie specific, so component should be "codegen". You can quote my
first paragraph there. However, keep in mind that due to some specifics
of the translation, you can still easily cause GCC to fail without Vala
noticing if you want to, and there is no easy way to fix that.

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