Dynamiically allocated arrays are declared with 'string[] name'.
You should try this code:

int main() {
  string str = "I am#*- a exa#*-mple string c#*-ontaini#*-ng
  string[] sa = str.split("#*-");
  foreach(string s in sa)
    print("%s\n", s);
  return 0;

>      void    str2bib(string str)
>      {    int    i    =    count(str, @"$gs");
>          string    sflds[]    =    new    string [i];
>          sflds    =    str.split(@"$gs");
>      }
> /**    returns the number of times delim occurs within str    */
> int    count (string str, string delim)
> {    int    i, res;
>      for    (i = 0, res = 0;    i <= str.length - delim.length;    i
> ++)
>      {    if    (str[i: i + delim.length] == delim)    res++;    }
>      return    res;
> }

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