On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 16:38 -0400, Ben Lafreniere wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone out there created Vala bindings for libssl? Or,
> alternately, does anyone know of an alternative library for doing
> basic public-key crypto in Vala?

I'm not aware of any OpenSSL bindings, but there are gcrypt bindings.
See http://live.gnome.org/Vala/ExternalBindings

> I'm working on a client-server application using Vala for the client
> and PHP for the server. Right now, we're using openssl on the server
> side, so the best case would be Vala libssl bindings.

I do remember looking into creating OpenSSL bindings a while back and it
didn't seem like it would be too difficult to do, at least for the
higher level interfaces. If it would be significantly better for you to
avoid using two different libraries you may want to consider creating
OpenSSL bindings yourself, especially if you keep in mind that you only
really need to create bindings for the interfaces you plan on actually


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