
no, you did not understand: I'm not trying to create object from an
interface. I'm having class Foo, that is _NOT_ inheriting Object, but
it's still a typed class, and it's implementing interface IFoo. This is
(or used to be) legal. I'm creating instances of that class, but the
reference is of interface-type:

// ------- test.vala -------
namespace Test
        public interface IFoo
                public abstract bool run();
        public class Foo : IFoo
                public virtual bool run()
                        return true;
        public static void main()
                IFoo ifoo = new Foo();
// ----- end test.vala -----

In my opinion it SHOULD be legal. I don't see a point why it's not
legal now, and I don't understand the error message:

error: missing class prerequisite for interface
`Test.IFoo', add GLib.Object to interface declaration if unsure
        IFoo ifoo = new Foo(); 

As I'd understand this message, it means that an interface MUST have a
prerequisite of a classed type. It's an absurd, why is it so? Can't I
have an interface not having any prerequisites? Manual suggests so, the
prerequisites list is optional.

best regards,

>As far as I know, you cannot create objects from interfaces, so the line
>below is wrong:
>I rewrote your code in this way and it worked correctly:
>namespace Test
>       public interface IFoo : Object
>       {
>               public abstract bool run();
>       }
>       public class Foo : Object, IFoo
>       {
>               public virtual bool run()
>               {
>                       print("fuck\n");
>                       return true;
>               }
>       }
>       public static void main()
>       {
>               IFoo ifoo = new Foo();
>               ifoo.run();
>               return;
>       }
>If you like to learn how to use polymorphisms in you apps you can see
>my tutorias
>on launchpad <https://launchpad.net/vala-totrials>.
>I wish it can help you...

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